Heritage Ride 2015


July 26 – August 1 (Details)

Join us for Heritage Ride 2015 – starting in Norwalk, CT on July 26.  There is no charge for the ride, and each rider is responsible for their own lodging and dining, though we have recommendations and typically take meals together as a group.  At present we have 14 riders, some of whom are doing a few days, some of whom are riding the route from Norwalk to Burlington and on to Quebec.

We have again revised the color maps and cue sheets, and these may be downloaded from www.wnegreenway.org. Photos of
the previous rides may be looked at on our Facebook site, Western New England Greenway.

For details of the Heritage Ride 2015 – download the FLYER!

Western New England Greenway Conference

Saturday, November 7, 2015 – Bennington Museum

There is no cost to attend, and your input is needed. Join us as we continue to plan a contiguous bike trail from New York City to Montreal.
  • What: Western New England Greenway Conference
  • When: Saturday, Nov. 7th – 10 AM to 3:30 PM
  • Where: Bennington Museum, Bennington Vermont
  • Preliminary Agenda is Forthcoming.